Our Top Productivity Tips for Working From Home

Productivity, Is That You?

Hello hello! Now that we have entered the month of August, we are finding that this long stretch of working from home is really starting to weigh on our shoulders. Many of you have had to adjust over the last several months to working remotely from home – something that may have been challenging or perhaps a welcome change!

Either way, it is vital to remain proactive about productivity! It can be SO tempting to fall victim to distractors throughout the day. We have televisions waiting to be turned on, phones that continuously remind us that there is a whole world out there waiting to be played with, and other beings in the house vying for attention.

Our Top Productivity Tips

We honestly have been working from home for quite some time, even before Covid-19 required us to be in quarantine. However, it was typically the norm for us to go to a coffee shop, library, or other public space to work while not being stuck in one place. Unfortunately this is not really an option for us now! As uncertainty and time marches ever forth, it seems about time for us to share some of our best tips for staying productive and mentally sharp.

  • Set realistic goals
  • Create a routine and stick to it
  • Curate a designated workspace
  • Get some noise-cancelling headphones
  • Give yourself mental breaks

Set Realistic Goals

This is a big one. One of the most common pitfalls around productivity is setting too many goals. That’s not to say that setting goals is not important! It is absolutely essential to set goals for yourself because it boosts your mood and acts as a great motivator. But, when you create a long list of to-do’s that simply isn’t feasible, we get down on ourselves. Often, this may lead us to neglect the list altogether, deeming it as impossible! By creating a list of tasks that you can reasonably complete in a day, you can move forward feeling confident and accomplished.

Create a Routine and Stick to It

This is a great thing to do simply because most of us thrive on having at least some level of structure. When there is no routine in place, it can lead to indecision on what to do next which ultimately results in delays in our work. Routines allow us to be our most productive selves because we know what comes next and we are prepared for it! This also allows us to have a good idea of what we can accomplish each day, which ties into our previous tip.

Curate a Designated Workspace

Atmosphere is everything. We have worked everywhere from the dining room table, the couch, laying in bed…(tsk tsk) and it is worth saying that we are never as productive as we are when we have our perfectly assembled workspace to thrive in. Being in a designated workspace allows our brain to recognize that it is time to work. It is all about psychology! You should have all of the tools necessary for work within your workspace, as well as some objects or images that bring you creative energy. Personally, we love having tons of plants around!

Get Some Noise-Cancelling Headphones

This. Is. Essential. Especially if you do not live alone. It can get extremely frustrating when you are trying to work and there is noise going on from somewhere else in your home. Listening to soft classical music or binaural beats can block the noise AND help you be your most productive self.

Give Yourself Mental Breaks

Last but not least, you must give yourself a break every now and then! We aren’t robots – you shouldn’t work like one. Step out of your front door for 5-10 minutes! Get some fresh air, make some tea, have an apple. We aren’t saying you should mindlessly scroll through social media for an hour. If you do, it will take you that much longer to get back into the right headspace (trust us on that one). What really helps us to reset is to take 5 minutes every few hours to close our eyes and take some focused deep breaths – think of it as a mini meditation. It clears the cobwebs and allows us to continue forth with a fresh mind.

We hope that you all are staying safe and healthy, both physically and mentally! If you have any additional tips for us, we would love to hear it! Additionally, if you are struggling with anything or would like more tips, don’t hesitate to reach out here or via social media! We are always here.